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Campus UNED

ARCO Rights

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulates the exercise of the rights of the interested party and adds, to the previous legislation, new rights that improve the decision-making capacity and control of citizens over their own personal data.

The following are incorporated into the traditional rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO): the right to data portability, the right to limitation in processing and the right to deletion (right to be forgotten), which are has been considered as a manifestation of the right of cancellation and opposition in the Internet environment, the result of technological advance.

The UNED Associated Center in Pontevedra, to facilitate the exercise of these rights, makes the necessary information available to the university community, as well as the different forms to exercise them FREE OF CHARGE.

Upon request to exercise rights, the data controller must resolve the requests without undue delay and WITHIN A MAXIMUM OF ONE MONTH, from receipt of the request and explaining the reasons if it is not attended to. This period may be extended for another two months, if necessary due to the complexity of the resolution. In the latter case, you must notify the interested party of this extension within the first month.



More information

Regulations relating to Data Protection  (at

Rúa de Portugal 1 36162 Pontevedra - Pontevedra. tel.: 986851850