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Campus UNED

Contractor profile

Following current regulations, the information regarding the hiring of the University Consortium of the Associated Center of the UNED in Pontevedra is published.

Identification data of the contracting body: Address of the UNED Associated Center in Pontevedra.

CIF: Q3600439H

Postal address : C/ Portugal, - 36162 Pontevedra

Telephone 986 869 702

Contact person: Alfonso Vázquez Reboredo – Head of the Economic Bureau e-mail:

Activity of the contracting body: Education

Application regulations:

  • According to the creation agreement and its Statutes approved on December 14, 2016, the Associated Center Consortium of the UNED of Pontevedra is a public law entity endowed with legal personality and the legal capacity and capacity to act that is required for the realization of its objectives.
  • Its actions are governed by university regulations and by the provisions on procedure and legal regime contained in the current legislation on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, in the Law of Bases of Local Regime and other precepts that govern it. are applicable.
  • In the field of contracting, the UNED Associated Center in Pontevedra is governed as of fiscal year 2019 by the current state regulations for public contracts.
  • Law 9/2017 on public sector contracts
  • Resolution ____________

    of Adequacy of the procedures for minor contracting the latter, do not put a link since it is pending resolution.

Rúa de Portugal 1 36162 Pontevedra - Pontevedra. tel.: 986851850