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Campus UNED

Professional orientation

In this area we try to facilitate the decision-making process, based on knowledge of oneself (attitudes, aptitudes, interests, qualifications, motivation) and job opportunities (characteristics of the labor market, new sources of employment, etc.)

  • Tools to know professional potential:
    • Self-exploration and self-diagnosis.
    • Develop employability skills.
  • Information about professional opportunities and professional profiles.

  • Advice for the preparation of the Professional Project:
    • Identify strengths and weaknesses of oneself.
    • Establish short, medium and long-term objectives.
    • Steps to achieve them.
  • Guidance in decision making relating capabilities/interests to the real possibilities of the labor market. Information on labor market trends:
    • Exploration of job opportunities.
    • Training in ACTIVE job search techniques.
    • Reorientation of professional career.
    • Advice on professional transitions
Rúa de Portugal 1 36162 Pontevedra - Pontevedra. tel.: 986851850